Monday, March 28, 2011

weekend shenanigans....

Friday I tried my darnest to stay up late get some things done and watch tv.  I don't know why but I feel like on Friday's if I am not out doing something fun then I should be up late doing something mediocre in the house.  It usually doesn't happen that way, I end up falling asleep like 1030 11pm the latest.  I know I'm a total corn ball.  Friday I cooked dinner did somethings around the house(still unpacking) and went to bed. 
Saturday was somewhat better, Ebony came over around 6pm.  We listened to music, talked, drank(I know it may seem like I drink alot but it's not that bad, I think)and ate we had a good time, watching the kids dance to Micheal Jackson songs. 
Sunday I had my mom and dad over for dinner.  I have really been into cooking lately.  Sometimes I get like that, then other times I'm like can't y'all just eat some cereal for dinner.  I know, we are pretty balanced around my house.  Also Saturday night Gia crashed my brand new(pink,very pretty) laptop.  She was playing some games she said and then she was on the web cam when it froze.  I turned it off then said that's it for the night.  So Sunday when I got up I decided to turn it on and see what was going on.  Windows wouldn't load up at all.  So after some trouble shooting I decided to get the paperwork out and just call Dell.  They have 24/7 tech service which is great, I was on the phone with the guy for about 30 to 40 mins running test and diagnostic to no avail.  He finally told me to shut the computer off and that the hard drive needs to be replaced.  UGGGG!!! Kids!!!  Apparently she downloaded something, of course she has no idea.  I really needed to go to the Hall after that.  I needed some spiritual food so I then can let go of all the anger/irritation/annoyed/irked/anxiety I had.  Dell told me that they will replace the hard drive, a tech will call me and come out to replace it which means I am losing my music on itunes.  I should be ok because I have it on my ipod and Gia has her music on her ipod as well.  Obviously it's still under warranty because I don't think I had it for a month yet.  Gia apologized and was very sorry the rest of the night, I accepted her apology and we agreed that she will only use the computer for school.  She can use her phone for facebook. 

Dear mom's,
If you have little one's get ready because I am in the trenches of adolescents.  And while I know overall I have a good daughter boy o boy the drama has already begun.  So hold on tight and get ready for the ride, you will be tested/shocked and down right in disbelief at the things that they say and do.  You have been warned and in the know and knowing is half the battle.

Sending lots of love and support,

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