Monday, March 28, 2011


In my faith I always get comments like "y'all don't believe in Jesus", "why don't you celebrate holidays, they don't have nothing to do with religion".
Over the past few years I have drawn closer to my faith and began studying and worshiping regularly.  I have decided to let my faith lead my path in life.  Many people often ask me why I don't do the things I used to do, I explain why and for some reason it seems to annoy some.  That's understandable and honestly to be expected.  I make mistakes and sometimes I stray away from the things I should be doing but as an in perfect human that is not surprising.  I always make it clear that I am a Christian(a follower of Christ) and I/we(Jehovah's Witnesses) study/live by the bible.  People also ask who is Jehovah(Yahweh) and why do we use this name, Psalms 83:18 explains that.  I decided to blog about my faith because 1. I absolutely love it and 2. answer any questions someone may have 3. clear up any misrepresentation of information.  Someone will say to me I thought y'all didn't believe in Jesus and I will say well who told you that and the answer is usually someone who is not of the faith.  That just seems strange stupid that someone will ask another person who isn't in the faith.  Not that you have to be in the faith to have knowledge but for me if you have a question about how to care for a sick cat/dog I could say what I think we should do but I will most certainly go to the Vet to find out exactly what should be done.  I think will continue this blog periodically just to give more insight and understanding.  Easter is approaching as well as my birth day, I have included a small paragraph explain my position on these day.
Even if Jesus’ disciples had known the exact date of his birth, they would not have celebrated it. Why? Because, as The World Book Encyclopedia says, the early Christians “considered the celebration of anyone’s birth to be a pagan custom.” The only birthday observances mentioned in the Bible are those of two rulers who did not worship Jehovah. (Genesis 40:20; Mark 6:21) Birthday celebrations were also held in honor of pagan deities. For example, on May 24 the Romans celebrated the birthday of the goddess Diana. On the following day, they observed the birthday of their sun-god, Apollo. Hence, birthday celebrations were associated with paganism, not with Christianity.

Easter. “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament,” states The Encyclopedia Britannica. How did Easter get started? It is rooted in pagan worship. While this holiday is supposed to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, the customs associated with the Easter season are not Christian. For instance, concerning the popular “Easter bunny,” The Catholic Encyclopedia says: “The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility.”


  1. Interesting. I have to admit, I don't know a lot about that particular religion. How do you handle it with the kids? Do they participate in holiday things at school?

  2. Midwayedancer, since the little ones are in daycare so when they had halloween parade/santa come I didn't send them that day. Friends from congregation watched them. During our family worship time we talk in detail about the Bible and what Jehovah approves of. I make sure they get plenty of chuck cheese, parties and regular kid stuff so they don't feel like they are missing something. They the get gifts for other reason.
