Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's raining but today is better

So today seems to be much better than yesterday even with the rain.  I am over my emotional roller coaster and today does not seem as long.  I went home, cooked dinner and poured myself and glass of white wine.  Moscato was the name, it was a little sweet but very smooth, just any case any of you are wine drinkers like myself.  Not that I have a habit of drowning myself with alcohol when faced with life issues, well maybe this time.  I listened to Teena Marie's "Casanova Brown" and "Square Biz".  I felt pretty good and between the music and wine, I really didn't hear the kids.  Which was nice considering my place is a zoo, but I love my circus.  The night ended pretty good.
Yesterday when I picked the kids up at the daycare I drove past my old apartment to check for any mail.  I didn't request to forward my mail yet because I don't want to delay some of the things I'm looking for and I don't live that far.  So half way there Nu(Ayanna, Nu is my little pet name for her) says mommy I don't want to go to the old house I want to go to the new house.  I tell her were not going to stay I just have to get something.  It was pretty funny but I guess you had to be there.  Since I'm working with someone to help with my credit I am now getting letters from the bureau's and other places to take things off and to pay somethings.  It's very exciting, once this is done I HAVE to keep my credit on track and not let things fall to side.  Other exciting news, by end of April of this year I will have paid my student loans totally off!  OMG, now I'm sure anyone reading this that have student loans can totally appreciate this.  This well help with my debit to income ratio tremendously.  So in the fall when I go back to school I will use grant money and pay for any other needs, just to make sure I stay out of debt. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous. I think I will be paying off my student loans until I'm 80. No joke.
