Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Go me

A few weeks ago I went to the dentist everything went well, I found out that they do Zoom.  Zoom is a whitening procedure, that became really popular on the show extreme makeover.  Any way I decided this was something I wanted and last Thursday morning I got my teeth whitening.  No my insurance didn't cover any of the cost but I signed up for FSA(flexible spending account) and was able to use that money to the tune of $500.  Yes I know expensive but fsa is one of those things you can only use on medical expenses and at the end of the year if you don't use the money you lose it.  When I signed up I put a nice cushy amount in, last year when Ase was in and out of hospital I barely had enough for his medication.  I was not about to run into that same problem and since my baby have had a great year so far(admitted to hospital once=) the money is just sitting.  Anyway the procedure was about 2 hours including the prep and going over things, it went well.  Towards the end the nerves in my teeth became sensitive and started to give me sharp pains, that last throughout the day.  By the next day it was gone and my teeth/smile is brighter, no its not chicklet white but they are whiter and I am very pleased.  For the next 3days I have to do some small maintenance twice a day for 45min wearing something like a invisalign on my teeth.

On the other side of news I decided it was no reason for r-ex and I to continue our conversations.  He is in a relationship and that is something I already knew without him telling me because he is just that kind of guy.  I wasn't about to sneak around with him or anything close to that, I don't play seconds so it was pretty obvious there was nothing really to discuss.  I felt like he was still doing the same thing after all these years, cheating and sneaking around on the girlfriend you say you love.  I was the girlfriend at one time but now I'm a different kind of women the kind who can see through the bullsheesh, games and lies.  I'm not saying he is all those things because I don't know him anymore but what I am saying, there are just somethings I'm not willing to deal with.  Life is good right now, I'm happy with alot of things going on yes every now and then a monkey wrenched is thrown into the mix but I work through those things.  When I'm dating someone it's not complicated, they want to get to know me I want to get to know them we make time to hang out we find out if we like each other and then.......
So with that said on to the next.
My computer at my job crashed and normally I really wouldn't care but it just so happen the night before I started my assignment for class at home and emailed it to my work addy.  So I finish up at work and it was to perfection I save it in my documents.  I was about to print it to have a co-worker read over it but I didn't I just said I would later needless to say what happened later yes the computer crashed. UGGGGG
Yes I have the first draft in my email but dang I really was happy with the way it turned out.  Anyway the MIS guy took the computer I asked if he would be able to save any info on the hard drive he said he not sure he will try. 

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