Wednesday, September 28, 2011

back to the future

I haven't blogged in a while I guess because I haven't had a chance to not only get my thoughts together but I have been pretty busy with my new schedule.  I have classes two nights a week which isn't bad.  I actually wished I was able to take another class but I it didn't work out that way.  I love love love what I am learning all of my worries about teaching an old dog new tricks learning something new is out the window.  I really have taken well to my schedule and the courses.  Initially getting things situated with my kids getting pick up and drop was all over the place.  Of course the father had a lot to do with it.  I expected him to act up in some way shape or form but I didn't expect his shenanigans to begin so early on.  Right now we are in the middle of I don't know what! But hey isn't that how things always are for us?!  He basically decided to take me to court for joint/shared custody of the kids, which is something I don't mind at all within in reason of course.  I guess he want things on paper because whatever schedule he set for seeing the kids I was always agreed to.  It started out as every other weekend but then changed to Mon - Wed which he didn't always stick to considering the days he did pick them up from daycare he would end up at my house anyway eating dinner.  Right now I think he is going through a crisis, the school district layed him off when they did all those cuts.  So he went from having two jobs to none, yes he keep the partime job at the company we met at but some changes where made there and he was unable to keep that job and then turn around a got layed off.  That meant he was jobless for the first time in 10years and the kind of guy he is that just really hit him hard.  He is a provider(a great one at that) the kind of guy who enjoys taking care of his family and is very giving.  So I said all that to say that he is pretty much in a really ugly funk.  And when your upset who do you typically take things out on, yes the closes person so there I was mind my own business going with my life.  How dare she?  So then starts the lashing out.  So we went through our bout of not talking which I found rather peaceful.  But we all know that wouldn't last too long.  He starts texting and then we are talking again and things are back to normal right after Monday.  I took off Monday just to have some time to myself, I got up dropped the kids off, got my nails done eyebrows waxed, read a chapter of school work then I get a call from him asking if I still wanted this workout video.  I said sure and low and be hold he says well I'm around the corner from your house I can bring it to you, sure!  So he brings me the video's and then encourages me to do them now, so here we are in my living room and he is acting as my personal trainer and also my cook.  I told him I didn't eat breakfast so he goes in the kitchen in between my sets and make me pancakes and eggs.  After my workout he had breakfast all done.  I ate thanked him for the video's and the workout and he left shortly after.  I know I know, WTH??  I don't know.  So yes things are back to normal, he is picking up the kids while I go to class, sending me pics of himself and holding our hour long morning talks about the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, so your trainer and the father are one and the same! Glad things are going well for you, but sorry to hear about things with the father. He has always been such a hard worker, I'm sure he is pretty depressed.
