Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Overly used and abused

hating, the urban dictionary defines it as:
 When one puts down the success or fortune of others due to jealousy.

I am so sick of the use of this word, stop hatin or you just hating.  This term has taken the place of I don't know what else to say so I'm just gonna say "stop hatin".  Really?  Every opinion someone has or if I disagree with something somebody says or even when I just don't particularly care about something/someone apparently I must be "hatin".  In the past 5 days I have been told to stop "hatin" twice, now anybody that really knows me knows that there are just somethings in life, in this world that I really don't give two flying fucks and a half of a got dam about(please excuse my language I don't talk like this but I have to get my point across).  Just to name a few:  celebrities, reality tv, people who are not in my circle are just a few.  Now when I say this I mean it in every sense, no I don't want to watch an interview with lastest pop star because I really don't care what he/she has to say.  If I like a song I download it and listen to it over and over again until.  Everybody knows I looooove 50cent not because of what he has to say but mainly, no absolutely because I love looking at him, there I said it the cats out the bag.  I went to see him in concert because I love his 1st album and because I wanted him to take his shirt off.  No I don't watch award shows because I just don't care, yes someone reading this will say "stop hatin", since when does hating and not caring mean the same thing?  Nowadays people can't have an opinion without "hatin", you know the song from sesame street "one of these kids is doing his own thing" yup that's me.  For some strange reason I can't have a different view of things or just not be on the same band wagon without "hatin" rearing its ugly head.  I don't wish anything bad I don't want to trade places with anyone I don't want anything that somebody else has, one reason is I don't know what they had to do to get what they got, call me self absorbed call me strange but please lets keep "hating" in its proper place.