Tuesday, September 13, 2011

all outta left field, then all up in it

The other day a friend of mine was talking we cruised around topics and things going on, she expressed some of her irritation with men and then all of a sudden bam, she lets it out she tells me that she hasn't had sex in 3 years.  WTH??? We talking about a 30something vibrant women.  Of course my jaw drop, I'm thinking no wait I actually said out loud 3 years dam girl how you do that?!?!  Yes I know I probably didn't sound supportive but sheesh!  That is a long time, I mean I guess I can understand if you are holding out for a relationship and Mr. Right but Mr. Sexy and hot never appeared??  Ladies you know who I'm talking about, that guy that comes along you know he ain't gonna be your boyfriend but he looks and smells all good all the time.  Yes that guy that helps you get where you need to go and helps you until you do find that relationship, yes him.  I don't want to sound like some kind of sexed crazed freak but I'm not a prude either(no need to  bring up the great hoe days of Temple Univ LOL).  I know this topic is kinda touchy but its my blog and I will blog what I want to.  Anyway, we finished our conversation and I did think about it afterwards, is that something I could do?  Can I not have sex for years?  Is that something reasonable?  Would I try it?


1 comment:

  1. ................wow..................

    three years is a long, long time.
