Friday, October 7, 2011

a few things

  • I am just getting over being sick.  Not sure what my problem was but it was more than the allergy since the allergy meds was not working and I continuously had a congestation a headache and runny nose accompanied with some body aches.  But I have recovered and all that's left is for me to peel the rough skin off of my nose from blowing it so much.
  • I recently had a revelation that I need to go back to shopping at BJ's.  I used to shop there all the time when I was a married women then when it was just me and the kids there really was no need for it.  But now that I have 3 kids and one of them is a boy, who is only two(on sat:) and eats like he is 16 I have to really pay attention to the food I buy.  I found myself at the store every other day which is not good because I really don't have time for that.  So I took a trip to BJ's and bought all the things that they need in bulk goldfish, juice boxes, cereal, fruit bars, french toast sticks and so on.  I didn't spend as much as I thought I would need to so I am pretty happy with my haul.  So now I'm back to food being a major factor when I am working out my bills/budget.
  • My classes are going great, we completed to assignments the first was a case brief which I did very well on(prof words) for my 1st time, that was for the legal research class.  The intro to paralegal class our first assignment was our resume and cover letter.  Which I am glad we did and she will critic and grade, I always hated to doing a resume especially a cover letter but I am to be able to get feed back on.  My research class took the trip to the law library to learn the way around the land and I admit all the information we got in class it's all coming to light now.

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