Monday, August 29, 2011

busy busy busy

Since my family and I some how made it through the earthquake and hurricane Irene lets get back to business.....
I have to admit it felt pretty good to lay around all weekend and blame the hurricane for not leaving the house, although I did jump up around 5pm Saturday afternoon and attempt to get a mani/pedi.  Needless to say it was closed, dark and pretty much desserted all three nail shops but you know the chinese food store was wide awake and ready to serve, now that's dedication.  Any way I made my way to the supermarket bottom dollar, which by the way I love grabbed some snacks and headed back home.  I love days like that, when I get to hang out with my kids watch them play, they make me laugh well when I'm not yelling like a crazy lady telling them to pickup toys.  Just to give you an idea......

Sunday I decided to make a trip to the Walmart to get a few more things for school.  I logged onto my account and noticed some activity that didn't belong to me.  I called the bank and had them cancel my card and I started to process for the complaint and reported the fraud.  Sheesh here I am a single mom and somebody jacking my funds.  I felt pretty violated and ticked off, I took care of everything today at the bank they made the police report and I was refunded my cash.  But that didn't stop my trip to Walmart, I grabbed the last items Gia needed for school and I few things I needed.  Of course I couldn't leave without a toy for my babies, Ase got his truck and Ayanna got her new barbie doll.  After we search up and down the isle she finally located the one she saw on tv the one that dress goes up and then it comes down to be an evening gown, any way she found it.  After I checked the price I said yes you can have her, I put the one back on the shelf and grabbed the slightly darker one.  Well, Ayanna blurts out ....

Ayanna: "I don't want the brown one"
Me:        why 
Ayanna:  "Because I want to white one"
Me:        what's wrong with the brown one?
Ayanna:  I don't know I just want the white one
Me:        Well your brown and I'm brown so lets get the brown one
Ayanna:  (tears in her eyes) mommy no
Me:         listen you have white ones at home, right?
Ayanna:   yes
Me:         Well just like your classroom you have brown and white friends, lets do the same thing at home
Ayanna:   Oh ok, yes lets get the brown one.
Whew yea I can think pretty fast on my feet, needless to say we will be getting a few more brown babies.

Well classes start this evening and I am all set, I have my books I know where my classes meet, I have my notebook and pencils.  I don't have a bookbag because of course I"m to complicated to have something so simple, so I will pick something up.  I took a trip to the book store and felt like a fish out of water, I got it together quickly and even handled the security guard that was hitting on me.  I had a small monkey wrench thrown in the plans but who said......"what can go wrong, will go wrong" something like that, everything is worked out and I'm all set.


  1. Good luck! I want to hear all about class.

  2. Nice job with school I will b headed back next semester also. What is your major?
