Monday, August 8, 2011

Wow, really?!??

Friday bff and I went to the fish fry she bought tickets it was at the down the way ghetto bar.  I knew we would have go time but sheesh.  So Ebony met me at my place we played dress up deciding which jewelry to wear and how to do our make up and off we went.  A girl from her job gave the event which I found out that people do this kind of thing just to raise some money which often times for themselves.(didn't know that)  But we got our hot plate of grease chicken or fish and french fries.  I decided to stray away from what we normally drink and went waaaay out left field and ordered a Long Island.  I kinda felt like lets get straight to the point, Ebony soon followed my lead.  Now this is the kinda place where they are pretty heavy handed on the pouring and the guys there are always willing to but a pretty lady a drink.  So after we bought the 1st round needless to say the other 2 just ended up in front of us courtesy of the guy winking across the room.  Straight to the point we went, all I remember is answering the phone and the father asking me where are we.  Ebony told him, apparently we where between drunk street and really f'ed up road.  The father appeared out of no where and told me to park and get in the car.  He drove us home, although I don't remember.  Bff has this thing when she drinks alot she tends to talk, alot!  He drove her home then me, the next morning I didn't have a hangover I felt pretty good just tired.  I did notice my clothes where all over the room and I was completely naked, hum wonder what happened there.  I picked up my car and spent most of Saturday dragging around trying to complete house work while stealing a few naps.

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