Friday, August 5, 2011

school girl

In four weeks I start on the next adventure in my life, school.  Yes I know for some that may seem like not a big deal but for me I am pretty nervous about it.  August 29th starts the semester and it is approaching rather quickly as well as the end of the summer.  When I was a kid(wow that sounded old) it use to feel like the summer went on forever but now that I am not waking up at 12noon and running up and down the block playing hide n seek and skating it just flies by.  And it doesn't help that come mid July we are bombarded with back to school sales.  Anyway, I think I more nervous about learning something new, I decided to go back for my degree as a paralegal.  I thought about it alot I am excited that I am going to be doing something I actually find interesting and to some aspect exciting.  I will be taking two evening classes, I hope the classes are full of working adults like myself I can't imagine having to be in a class full of kids straight out of high school, yuck!
Tonight I have plans to hang out with the bff, she bought some more tickets to a ghetto fish fry.  I can't wait!
Also since it's almost the end of the summer I decided to skip out on some bills(yea yea yea) and treat myself and the kids to some fun things.  Sometimes doing this adult responsible thing gets really old and tiresome, no worries I will pay for it later when I have to play catch up but who cares!?!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for going back to school! I have found evening classes usually have a high number of working adults. Give us the full report!
