Thursday, August 25, 2011

I hate that feeling

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed and I'm trying not to let it take over my mood completely.....
  • Classes start this coming Monday and for whatever reason I am extremely nervous.  While I have things in order as far have arrangements for the kids and financial aid covered the cost of my books/tuition I really don't know what my problem is.  I stated in a previous post I know I"m nervous and excited at the same time about learning something new.  So why do I feel like a plug?  Anyway Monday and Wednesday nights I will be in class, whoo hoo!
  • I also put myself back on my no carbs no sugar eating regiment(don't like the word diet) for the next two weeks.  This past weekend I felt like a totally fat a** and looked like it.  I also slacked off on the gym but regained my healthy attitude and now I'm back in the saddle.
  • These people and this job can really annoy the hell out of me.  People don't want to do there job and for whatever reason they think they can get away with not doing something by saying "but I told ____" what the hell does that mean?  Does that somehow gets you off the hook of doing your job?  I swear this place is full of a bunch of tools.
  • I think since I missed our weekly Tuesday girls night out it's catching up with me.  I hope undomestic goddess, will join me since I had to cancel on Tuesday.  I was extremely broke from the previous weekend and wasn't able to hang out.  Ebony and I are trying to plan for a make-up this Friday.
  • Where were you during the great earthquake of 2011?
  • Also I have been taking a break from dating and not for any particular reason.  The cop still texts me and wants to hang out.  I have been blowing him off since he cancelled a few times so I told him don't call me I will call you and let you know when I am available to go out.  Also the IT guy from Carlisle,PA I still talk to daily so we actually do have a connection.  He was hanging out in Philly this past weekend yes the weekend I was out of town. 
  • Gia also will be starting school soon, this is a milestone for her as well since she will be going into middle school.  She is excited but then again she has always been that kid who is excited about school.
Anyway hopefully I will relax some this weekend and pull it all together.

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