Thursday, February 10, 2011


As you can see I have created my banner and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.  This is my first crack at this and I think I did a pretty good job.  Thanks Lisa for the tutorial.

-Well I didn't have to burn down the company I work for, I did receive my w-2 last Monday and I did file my taxes.....whoa hoo!  It will be great to have some money, considering I spent the last 4 months of 2010 extremely broke because of being in and out of the hospital with Ase.

- I am pretty much all set to start my classes in the fall.  I was actually considering a full time roster(:0) I want to for sure but I will have to do alot of figuring and working around my full time work schedule.  Working 8 - 4pm is great but then fitting in 4 classes is a bit much.  I am going to look for a summer class I can take as well.  I am very excited to be moving forward with something new.

- I have plans this weekend to go to a friends indoor consignment this Sat.  I love consignment shops and I love helping/supporting small businesses.  Sat is suppose to be really nice I heard 40degrees, wonderful!  Afterward I will have to do something with the kids, they are tired of being in the house just as I am.  I don't feel like bowling or chuck e cheese's, any mom's out there have any ideas?

- Getting my hair done is a must this weekend, it's really ridiculous.  I think I want bangs.

- I have been scoping out lap tops since Gia have turned our computer into a dinosaur.  Every since I let her get a facebook account she wants to play all those games and open all of those applications that people send.  While I have a facebook I don't really do much with it.  It annoye's me and now I keep so I can monitor Gia's account.  I never really got into the facebook thing I don't need to let everybody know where I am at or what I'm doing.  I had alot of old high school friends on there I went through and deleted a bunch of people.  I don't really want or have alot of co workers on my friends list either.  Since the father and I met a work people tend to think they have a right to know all of your business, I'm a private person(considering I have a web blog about my life, most people I know don't know I have it)but the father decided he will come to work and tell everybody that will listen what goes on at home.  But also embellish somethings maybe with the hope of making people think I'm the worst person in the world.  But that chapter has passed and I don't have to come to work and see him anymore.(hold the applause)

- Ase has been doing very well, no wheezing.  He had Dr. appointment for his regular check up and got two shots.  I hate how they cry when they get the shots, its such a deep hurting cry.  I usually tear up as well, in the past I made the father take them just because I couldn't stand they way they cry.  :(

- My show The Game comes on at 10pm and sad to say but that is too late for me.  I always miss it on Tuesday nights and have to catch a rerun sometime during the week before the new comes on again.

*back to work

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for signing up for classes! What will you be majoring in?
