Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear bloggers,

I would like to know, hows does everybody have such a huge following?  Do you know each other?  I typical go blogger surfing and find myself reading other people's blog.  Is it ok if I request to follow them even if I don't know them?  Would they be offended?  How do I find more people maybe with similar interest/stories/lifestyles that I could follow or they follow me??  Any body out there in the WWW.  that can help?

warmest regards,

a little of this and that

My new lap top arrived Friday and I'm soooo excited to have a functioning computer at home.  Now I don't have to wait to come to work and mooch off there internet.  I absolutely love it, its Dell and its PINK!  Not the to bright pink but very sutle.  Now I have to wait til Sunday, I have to move on Saturday(just in case I didn't mention that) and then Sunday morning the cable provider will come out and set me up.
Yes I decided to move into a bigger place until I am approved for my mortgage.  Initially I thought that would be working backwards but honestly we could not stand live in such close quarters any longer.  So while I sort things out with this credit and mortgage co, we will reside in a 3bdrm home that suits use.  I am very excited about the move, I already have my U-haul truck reserved.  My mom and I did alot of packing this past weekend and we are ready to go.  I feel and party/get together coming.

Also I texted/called and reminded the father that he needs to go and pay and sign.  It's been a week and enough is enough.  I have to say that I am excited about this, which seems strange I guess.  I know this is usually and difficult time but I am at peace with this so it's kinda exciting.  I also decided that I would maybe sign up to a dating website.  (tee hee)  Ok before I go and waste my money let me wait and see if I'm willing to put effort into talking and meeting someone.  If and when I do join I think it will totally be an interracial website, after talking and going out with the Russian guy I should broaden my horizons. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

she's still my little girl

I'm sure she would role over and die if she knew I was talking about this but my little girl has just come upon another milestone in her life..............she got her cycle last night
I knew it was coming so it was no surprise to her, which I was really happy with.  I felt like I did my job as the mommy.  We have been talking about getting her cycle for the past year.  I bought this book by American Girl
The care & keeping of you: the body book for girls [Book]
its wonderful and I recommend it for any mom.  They also have it for boys.  It's a delicate way of explaining things that are happening to them and a great conversation starter.  I love love love it! 
I'm not the mom who never wants the kids to grow up or dreads these topics and discussion with my kids.  I was so proud of her.  She asked lots of questions and we talked in depth about what's happening to her. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"The only constant in life is change"

The start of this year I have been doing things to send my life in a certain direction.  Not because it was a new year but just because it's time for change.  Another milestone I accomplished on Monday I officially filed for divorce.  I have to say that I feel very indifferent about it.  I am just so excited about so many things in my life(ex. school, moving, working out) that this step was just another step needed to bring about better things for me.  Since the father is the one who insisted on getting a divorce but did not take any real action towards it, I initially just decided that I would keep an open mind about the marriage.  Not pushing in any particular direction just going about life.  I have stopped just going on about life and started planning my life and making moves towards obtaining things I want and goals I want to accomplish.  He always expressed that he would pay for the divorce, something I never really believed since he has been saying that for the past 2 years.  Monday I went to a legal document office and began filling out paperwork, I also gave them exactly half the money.  I told the father what I did and that he can go down there and pay for the other half(like he said he would do).  He said he would go there on Tuesday.(please, as if)  So here it is Wednesday.  I have an appointment with them on Saturday to pay other half, give them a copy of marriage license and start signing paperwork.  Either way if he doesn't go there this week, I will march the other half down there and put a period on the end of this chapter, close the book and open a new one.               How do I feel??                  It feels GREAT!!!  I feel empowered and totally in control of my own life.  Who knew ;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

what a nice weekend....

-Ebony and I decided to take off Friday, since the weather was nice and both of felt really sick and tired of work.  I already told her when I get my tax refund I would treat her to something(she is a great friend and during the time when Ase was sick in/out of hospital and when I felt like we would be homeless, she was always willing to share whatever she could to help me out...tear) and she decided she wanted a new bag.  So off to Limerick outlet we go.  It was the perfect day, we go the kids off to school/daycare and totally had all the time to ourselves.   I didn't know that the Juicy Couture outlet was out there.  She decided to get a Juicy bag after going back and forth between that and the Coach outlet.  I also picked up a bag, you couldn't beat it at $229.00 bag for $63.00 bucks :0.  We also ventured to NY&Co, Nine west and the sneaker outlet. We go alot of stuff for a very nice price. We got there around 11am and didn't leave til 5pm, whooo hoo! yea for the mommies!
here is the bag I got ;)

-Saturday we went to a fundraiser/fish fry.  It was something to do, it was at some little rinky dink place on Broad st near Popular(an area I really try not to frequent) but it was for a friend so.  We ate drink and left, very simple.  And just like two Mom's we made a stop at the Shop rite to pick up a few things we needed.  Yea can you picture it, us walking into the shop rite with 4inch heels talking loud and pushing a shopping cart around at 11pm.

-Sunday I went to hall and stopped at the Acme.  My mom and dad came over Saturday and my mom decided to spend the night.  Of course Ase immediately latched onto me.  My dad always gets his feelings hurt b/c Ase won't let him pick him up.  I explained to him that for babies a week is really long time so if he doesn't see him often he forgets.  But usually after an hour or so Ase loosens up and lets my dad pick him up.

-Today I have to pick Maniah(Ebony's daughter) up after work and take her and Gia to the movies since I have been promising them for the past week. Ugggg! I totally DO NOT want to see Justin Beiber!!  Maybe I will set them up and then walk around and when the movie is over just get them.  The father should be picking Ayanna and Ase up after work but since he is not answering my calls I'm not sure.(what a jack ass)  Whatever, I really really can't wait until we are at that  point when we can just take care of our children with out all of the silly stuff in between.  But I guess when two people love each other and then go separate ways it's not that simple.

-Also I have been stalking career websites just to get an idea of how much money and how much Paralegals are in demand.  Since I begin my classes to complete my Paralegal degree in the fall, I want to get an idea of my future career.

-And I can't wait to get my new laptop as well, when I'm home I have access to the Internet but I hate trying to log on my computer since Gia made it slow and annoying.  Any idea's on what kind of laptop and what should I be looking for?  Also how will I get the pictures on my computer transferred to the new one?  Some of the pics I didn't send to photobucket and to try to do it now is nearly impossible with the way the computer is....KIDS?!?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WIWW - Accesories Edtion


Charm bracelet

Every girl needs some gold hoop earrings

Brown Cuff, I love this piece and it gets lots of attention when I wear it.

Leopard bag

Pink crystal earrings

Coach bag

I get alot of my accessories from a co - worker.  She does that as her side job and I'm sure she would love that I put her items online for other to see.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


As you can see I have created my banner and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.  This is my first crack at this and I think I did a pretty good job.  Thanks Lisa for the tutorial.

-Well I didn't have to burn down the company I work for, I did receive my w-2 last Monday and I did file my taxes.....whoa hoo!  It will be great to have some money, considering I spent the last 4 months of 2010 extremely broke because of being in and out of the hospital with Ase.

- I am pretty much all set to start my classes in the fall.  I was actually considering a full time roster(:0) I want to for sure but I will have to do alot of figuring and working around my full time work schedule.  Working 8 - 4pm is great but then fitting in 4 classes is a bit much.  I am going to look for a summer class I can take as well.  I am very excited to be moving forward with something new.

- I have plans this weekend to go to a friends indoor consignment this Sat.  I love consignment shops and I love helping/supporting small businesses.  Sat is suppose to be really nice I heard 40degrees, wonderful!  Afterward I will have to do something with the kids, they are tired of being in the house just as I am.  I don't feel like bowling or chuck e cheese's, any mom's out there have any ideas?

- Getting my hair done is a must this weekend, it's really ridiculous.  I think I want bangs.

- I have been scoping out lap tops since Gia have turned our computer into a dinosaur.  Every since I let her get a facebook account she wants to play all those games and open all of those applications that people send.  While I have a facebook I don't really do much with it.  It annoye's me and now I keep so I can monitor Gia's account.  I never really got into the facebook thing I don't need to let everybody know where I am at or what I'm doing.  I had alot of old high school friends on there I went through and deleted a bunch of people.  I don't really want or have alot of co workers on my friends list either.  Since the father and I met a work people tend to think they have a right to know all of your business, I'm a private person(considering I have a web blog about my life, most people I know don't know I have it)but the father decided he will come to work and tell everybody that will listen what goes on at home.  But also embellish somethings maybe with the hope of making people think I'm the worst person in the world.  But that chapter has passed and I don't have to come to work and see him anymore.(hold the applause)

- Ase has been doing very well, no wheezing.  He had Dr. appointment for his regular check up and got two shots.  I hate how they cry when they get the shots, its such a deep hurting cry.  I usually tear up as well, in the past I made the father take them just because I couldn't stand they way they cry.  :(

- My show The Game comes on at 10pm and sad to say but that is too late for me.  I always miss it on Tuesday nights and have to catch a rerun sometime during the week before the new comes on again.

*back to work

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I think I'm getting better, I had some pics over the weekend but thank's to my 4year old who knows my phone is a touch and started touching and deleting some of my pics(kids?!).  The pics are in my work bathroom, this is the only chance I get to take my pics after hustling 3kids out the door every morning.....I love my life :)

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Sorry for dark pic :(
The sweater is from Dot's
(this pic does it no justice)

Boots: Nordstroms


Boots: Nordstroms Rocket Dogs (love love love them!)


Jewelry: co Worker (her side job)


Sweater:  Target
Skinny Jeans: Kohl's

(*I seriously need to get my hair done!)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boy O boy....

This little boy of mine?!?  I have always heard people talk about how boy's are so different from girls, I am a believer now.  I have to chase him down to get his coat on, basically restrain him to change his diaper and he insist on following me around screaming and crying!  I do not remember this with my daughters, I don't know if I just was younger and had more patience or they just didn't carry on like this.  He is more clingy and we have not even reached "terrible two" which has always been something I didn't really believe in, but I am really considering how true it is.

I have been so wishy washy lately, one minute I'm talking about how I'm going to put more interest in dating then when someone shows some interest I pull away.  Yea yea yea I know I"m technically still married but I consider myself very single.  Ok maybe I lie when a guy ask me if I'm married "no, I have been divorced for 2years" is usually what I say.  I have met some nice people but after a few dates I pull away and find reason's why I don't want to go out, it then becomes a chore.  Sometimes I feel like I want to meet someone and develop something serious but come on what if I get serious with someone.  Am I going to hurry to file divorce papers or would I come out and tell them?!  "By the way I know I said I was divorced but I'm not......."  that just doesn't sound or look good.  I met this Russian guy, I know right....  When he approached me I was not expecting him to ask for my phone number, I was looking at him like for what??  Any way I did give him my number and we talked quit a bit.  He is a nurse and works at Temple hospital and had an accent like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I thought it was really cute.  We met for drinks a few times and I enjoyed talking to him but I just ended up pulling away.  My life is so hectic and I just don't really have the energy sometimes to date.  I want someone there when I feel like doing something and I don't want them to bother me when I don't.  I know it doesn't work that way, I guess that is when LTF fits in.  He is there when I want to hang out and if we don't talk for a day(which is not often since he will text/call just about everyday) it's not a big deal.  Right now I should concentrate on moving, hitting the gym and going back to school.  And when I am feeling like I want some male attention call LTF, I guess??  Because the father is never that far out of the picture.  Uggggg!  Right now I have said to that I am not indulging in this back and forth with him.  Its annoying and I how can I put a period on the end and move on if I continue this cycle.  I am not the kind of women who is willing to hold on to a man at any cost.  So maybe I have had this conversation with myself before but maybe I'm at the end.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my 1st wwiw

The sweater from Target
Creme pants from Gina's closet ($7)
Shoes from Kmart (i really need some other shoes besides 4inch heels)
Jewelry, pearls (had so long can't remember)

Jewelry, a co-worker sells jewelry I get alot of things from her
Shirt from Kohl's(the pic doesn't show the cute flower)
Black cudoroy's from Macy's
Brown boots (can't remember)

I'm excited especially since I enjoy fashion and all sorts of styles. Please beware with me I'm also new to the site and still trying to figure things out. It will get better (thanks for the added pressure lisa;)

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