Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is it really this complexe??

As of Tuesday Miami is booked and paid for, yaaaaaaay!!  Of course things just can't go a smooth as planned here goes.  In March Ebony and I agree that we would make things final for our trip, the dates, reservations and plane tickets.  We agreed that the end April we would pay for everything soooooo as of today I have paid for my plane ticket and hotel room along with another girl that I work with.  After several text messages and phone conversations I don't know what Ebony is going to do.  She said she's going to purchase her plane ticket by next week but I don't know what she's doing about the hotel.  She's hoping that once we get there that she will be able to pay for us an upgrade to a bigger room.  If anyone have ever been to south beach, Miami the average hotel room is not really spacious.  Consider it's a popular area and the hotels want to maximize on as many guest as possible.  So 3 chica's to an average south beach room is not going to work.  Everyone that knows me know that when I set out to do something I do it, this is my 3rd annual mommy vaca.  Next year maybe I will send out Evite invitations to a few mommies I wouldn't mind vaca-ing with, open the floor to suggestions on spots and try to make it an on going thing since I enjoy planning things. So anyway, I refuse to make this a headache or a worry some situation for me.  I told her what time our flight leaves and from what airlines and where we will be staying.  All I have to worry about is packing.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Did she just not put the money away or what? Well at any rate, you are sure to have a great time. You deserve a break!
