Thursday, April 7, 2011

soooo butttterummmm.....

Everything has be pretty quiet on the home front....
Monday Gia and I went to the store to window shop for her graduation dress, but of course that turned into me actually buying the dress.  I liked the dress and was glad that we actually agreed on something.  She is at that age of coming into to her own style and what mom likes she doesn't always agree.  It's pretty annoying because I can be pretty bossy but I take a breath and step back and let her grow up and make her own decisions(as long as its within reason).
All week I have not been in the mood to do any work.  It's ridiculous that I have been at work and just dragging along doing the bare minium and making it look good.  I am soooo bored with this job, the people annoye me and honestly I'm even tired of looking at the four walls of my office.  I can't say that I feel trapped because I have a plan in motion but OMG this is depressing.  Yes I am glad that I have a job that pays well and works great for my family but I need stimulation before my brain is mush.  Yesterday LTF and I were talking about my classes and will I continue to a 4 year degree.  Once I'm done and start working and gain some experience I will for sure, why not.  He made a strange comment, I better not go off and meet some lawyer.  I said "LOL, I can't wait to met me a professional man who will fall in love with this chocolate drop".  For some reason he was pretty annoyed with the idea, strange but so is his whole take on me.
Speaking of strange men, the father and I have been playing footsy again.  I know I know, I'm a total loser.  It usually starts with him needing to stop by for something stupid and then he all of a sudden gets so tired that he falls alseep on the couch.  And that is usually after he finds something in my refridgerator to eat.  Yes I know we have a strange yet stupid situation going.  Who does this?  I'm assuming when people are going through a divorce they don't hang out on the couch listening to music watching the kids dance.  I wouldn't think that everytime they see each other there is this very suttle flirting going on along with all of these silly reasons to call eachother and talk about nothing.  But then again we are not talking about most people, it's just me.   Such is life........

Here is the couch I want, after I get my living room set up then I guess I will have my cocktail hour.  I'm going to go with a pale pink accent pillows that I already have.  So my color scheme will be chocolate brown, pink and tan.

what do you think?


  1. I like it. As for playing footsie, eh, old habits die hard. Especially when kids are involved. M was just over last week and I felt myself fighting this urge to kiss him, which would be insane. I think over time, the bad memories just fade and you are just left with the warm, familiar ones. Until you create some more bad ones anyways.

  2. Thanks, I really appreciate that. I think sometimes I'm overly hard on myself about the whole situation and making a big stand. So far it's not working....LOL
