Monday, December 6, 2010

weekend antics

Its Monday back to work and the weekend went pretty well.........

Friday the kids and I were leaving the house in morning Gia(yes she is to blame) locks both sets of keys in the house.  I am loading the baby in his seat I tell her don't close the door I don't have my keys.  She says well I don't see them so you must have them and close and locks the door.  I'm checking my bag, pockets and realize no I don't have them. UGGGGG!!  Then I say ok well get your keys out of your book bag and of course she doesn't have them.  At this point there is nothing to do but go to work and continue worry about it the rest of the day.  I leave my landlord a message and of course I get no call back, nothing.  So I devise my own plan of getting into an apt on the second floor of a duplex, hmmmmmm.  So of course I call "the father" and tell him to meet me there and figure something out.  I decided not to have him kick in to door, realizing that would be costly and just not a good idea.  So we go into the basement to get the ladder and to climb in the window! "The father" tells me he's not climbing in the window that he will hold the ladder and I have to climb in, I say ok(PLEASE, AS IF).  I get my downstairs neighbor, who is a total pain in the a** and ask him to help.  The father and the neighbor get the ladder from the basement and of course I stand by and watch as the neighbor holds the ladder and the father climbs up and into the window. omg! At least it was dark and not too many people watched and got a full tutorial on how to brake into my place.

Saturday Ebony and I decide to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese's, yes I said it Chuck E Cheese's on a Sat.  I was babysitting a friend from my congregation 5 y/o daughter, which is nice since it gives Ayanna a chance to have company instead of pester Gia and her company.  We got there late afternoon and it wasn't so bad, we always get a booth plenty of pizza/soda and tokens for the kids.  So Ebony and I pretty much get to sit talk and laugh while they run around.

Sunday we went to hall and went to Denny's afterward for brunch with some friends.  We came home and got started with laundry and dinner.  The weekend went well and of course things wouldn't be right if I didn't have my daily aggravation from the father.  He decides 2 weeks ago that he will take the kids every Mon and Tues drop them off Wed at the daycare and I will pick them up.  I went with it for 2 weeks but then decided that's to much time away from home/mom.(any mom's out there that can understand?)  I'm not that kind of mom who is always looking to pawn my kids off, to run out the door to hang out and do nothing.  I know some people may think that I am some how missing out on something because I have kids. Sorry nope that's not me.  I have been to Miami, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Virgina Beach, Disney World and continue to make plans.  And when I want to do things I plan a sitter and I do them.  So no I don't want my kids gone half the week, yes that is their dad but I'm their mom.  So I feel a fight coming on, but that's fine.  I know he does things to aggravate/annoy me, most of the time I ignore it but sometimes I take a bite.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that's a lot, I'm with you. Isaac is only gone every other weekend and sometimes when I wake up the Saturday he is gone, I'm just lonely. But then other times I feel I'm calling MD up like "PLEASE! COME AND TAKE HIM!". Thanks for the girlfriend pep talk. I appreciate it. =)
