Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's complicated??

After much pressure from some of my friends, I decided to come out and ask the long time friend what are we doing.  It went something like this:

ME: "are we hanging out just as friends or exploring other options?"
HIM: "that is really complicated"
ME: "really??"
HIM: " can we talk it about it later"
ME: "sure...i hope i didn't' give you a headache"
HIM: "noooo not at all....your funny"
ME: "im just saying....u said complicated"
HIM: "because it is"
ME: "interesting"
HIM: "I don't mean it in a weird way"
ME: "oooooh"

So I took that as "Devona you have a very complicated situation, I like you but I"m not sure what to do".  Yes this long time friend knows my situation.  All about the father, kids etc....
I really wanted to ask him because I need to know what he is thinking.  If we decide to just be friends I'm good with that.  Considering thats all we have been.  I know I just don't want to be in a situation where I am stroking his ego or trying to convince his insecurities(not saying he has any) about the father.  Which brings me to my relationship with the father.  Uggg that is a whole blog by itself......

p.s comments.......

1 comment:

  1. I was in an ambigious relationship all summer. It gets old. But at least he is willing to talk about it.
