Thursday, December 23, 2010

I was minding my own business......

Last night I got the call from LTF(which is what he will be referred to from now on) to talk about things being "complicated".    Initially he wanted to get together Friday and talk, I was like oh no!  It wasn't that serious that I needed a face to face conversation.  So I told him to cut it out and stop being dramatic and let's talk.
So he starts telling me about how much he likes me and really enjoys spending time with me and that he wishes things was different.  I'm like different how, so I mention are you talking about "the father"?  He says yes.  So of course I'm even more confused because I was minding my own business when you sought me out.  You persistently asked me "when are we hanging out"?  Now that started back in the summer.  Now like I said we have always been cool and have always seen each other around.  Then out of the blue he starts to pursue me asking me out and make plans for just the two of us to hang out.
 He proceeds to tell me because he knows him it just makes things complicated.  Mind you its not like they have every hung out or even would call themselves friends.  They never ran in the same circles nor have any friends in common.  He just knows who he is and have seen the course of our relationship.  Not that I am not ok with just being friends but like I said that's all we are but it just doesn't makes sense to me.  His actions is just what doesn't makes sense.  He likes me alot and wants to date but he has some kind of loyalty to my ex?? What in the world??
I was not about to try to convince anybody of anything, so I listened and said "ok".  I think he was kinda of surprised but look I'm not getting any younger and I'm about to play this back a forth.  Either someone whats to be with me or not.....really simple, REALLY!  He also wants to know if we can continue to hang out......ummmmmm No!  I said sure but in all honestly that doesn't make sense.  Why would two adults who are attracted to each other hang out?  What is this the garden of Eden and here we are with the forbidden fruit  in arms reach....I don't think so.  I can see it now, where out drinking dancing he smells good, I'm looking good....a touch a kiss.  Stop right there, I will not torture myself or waste time playing footsie when I could be out with someone who actually wants to develop something.
So there it is.....Oh well    NEXT!

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