Professor: whats the difference from criminal law and civil law?
Annoying lady: the difference between criminal law and civil law is, umm ummm criminal law
is not civil law......
Professor: (blank stare) any one else?
The past two weekends I have been hanging out with 26 and have been having a great time. I"m still pretty tickled with myself at the idea of our age difference since I'm a lady I wont reveal my age but I am quite older. He lives in the far Northeast in a pretty nice neighborhood which is were we hung out the first time we went out but this past Friday he asked if I would be comfortable hanging out in his old neighborhood. Which was of course in the hood, near K&A which is real hood area so he has no idea who he's talking to so I tell him I'm cool hanging in the hood as long as the place we going he is comfortable with. As we ride past go go bar(do they call it that anymore) he asked me if I have ever been to one, once again he has no idea who he's asking such questions. I tell him yes I have been to a strip bar and it doesn't bother me. A little known fact about me is I used to be a dancer quite some time ago, before the kids, the big hips and extra fluff I have now. I didn't tell him that not because of being ashamed just because everything has a time and place. Anywho we went to a small lounge/bar sat and talked, he drinks long island and we all remember the last time I had a long island if not check here. So yes I got tipsy really quick which was fine with me since I was having a good time talking with him, he's very affectionate(which I like). He ended up playing a game of pool because I clearly was not capable, once he was done we sat around a little more and then left. We ended up at his place and watched Karate Kid(which I had never seen) we did some drunk makeout and then I finally pulled myself together and left and I didn't end up getting home til about 4am. He asked to see me before the week started considering classes starting so I ended up there Sunday night watching another movie Apocalypto, which turned out to be very good. It was about Maya Civilization and since I have always been a history buff I was very interested and pleased with the movie. It's a 2006 movie but still interesting....
So I ended up screwing the young ladd and it turned out pretty decent. He asked to hang out this coming Friday, I am so having a good time.
Good grief. I don't know what's more surprising-- you're banging a baby or you've never seen Karate Kid. :P Glad you're having fun.