Wednesday, January 4, 2012

just STOP

So a few months back I mentioned r-ex randomly texted me and we where going to meet up for drinks and talk but I just really didn't see any need to so we didn't.  Every now and then he will send me a text which I wouldn't mind but it always turns into some kind of irritation.  So maybe a month ago I decided that I would hang out with him I said to myself why not(first mistake), I"m enjoying life dating plenty.  We set a time and the crazy thing is bestie was hanging out and told me to meet her after I hang with him.  So he was suppose to come to my place at 830 9, I text him with no response.  915 comes and goes with nothing from him, so I just decide to go ahead and meet bestie after I leave r-ex a message/text.  The next morning he sends me a text saying he had an emergency, SERIOUSLY.  I went against all my intuition and decided to hang out with him and kicks some bullpuss about an emergency.  This is the same person I left almost 10years ago, I mean really!  I let him know that I really don't care about the emergency just to leave me alone.  So here we are again we texting and he makes mention he wants to hang out at the time I wasn't doing anything but I really didn't feel like getting up so I said what about tomorrow.  He's all like no, tonight I say fine whatever and low and behold when its time to met up something comes up again.  Now I started thinking he was doing this intentionally I mean come on.  So when I tell him in so many words that he is still a jerk he has the nerve to give me attitude(LOL).  The sad thing is if he is after almost 10years of not being together he still wants to play some kind of game with me, how sad is that!  I am fine with not talking to him, so last night he texts me asking "what am I doing" and I say "whats up" he's all like "nevermind".  Dude, WTF?!?!!  Whatever game, ego trip or delusional psychosis your on leave it alone. 
Is it just me or does this seem strange?

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