Thursday, October 13, 2011

all around your elbow to get to your ass

This morning I woke up and felt like a hamster in the wheel, you know the stinky little rodent in the classroom that make the whole room smell musky yes him.  I don't know if this is the on set of my bipolar acting up but I know I was pretty annoyed at the thought of oh here I go again with this.  I know its life people have to get up and go to work 5 longs day a week, get paid every other Friday use the weekends to drink, do a hobby find someone to have sex with, complain in between finding happiness and doing things you like.  Yes that sums it up, I know I hate when I get like this all bitchy and irritable.  Besides that things are going along pretty well, our first assingment was to do our resume/cover letter which turned out pretty good.  When I completed mine I felt pretty good about it, in the back of my mind I have been having this thought of should I leave my current job and try to work in a law firm.  Maybe not as a Paralegal but an admin assist or legal secretary or something just to get my foot in the door and be in that environment.  Yes I have been at my current job for quite sometime and honestly I feel like I'm ready to go, it's just something that served its purpose and now its time to move on.  Then on the other side since I have been here so long I have a little bit of lee way(sp?) in some areas.  Anyway I decided to put resume out to some law firms and see what happens hopefully I can get a call back or something to boost my ego.
Other news I haven't been out on a date nor am I currently talking to anyone, this last guy I talked which was actually earlier this week.  He seemed nice but after a few conversations he let me know that he wasn't driving right now because he was in a car accident and it will be sometime before he got a car.  He started the conversation off with what am I doing this weekend.  I told him nothing major he said neither was he and then goes on to say well to bad we can't meet up.  I said ummmm ok, then he says well I'm not driving and I know how you women of today are.  So we get into this discussion of having a car and the women of today have nothing to do with the other.  If a man wants to date a women how is he going to spend time make dates and do things without a car??  I didn't even feel like entertaining the conversation and just said well I would meet up but I'm not sure how he would meet up with me.  If he caught the bus or borrowed a car, that would be his problem.  Long story short he will contact me when he has a car, whatever its not that deep.
I don't really have time and honestly I am just not that interested in dating right now.  My schedule is pretty busy and I just feel content with things right now and I'm happy.  As far a sex, yes sex when I have that itch I know I can always go back to old reliable, the father.  Yes I know your shaking your head at me but hey it is what it is.  I do fight the convinence but sometimes I just don't have the fight in me and he doesn't make it any easier.   He's over there just about everyday eating dinner, playing with kids or just hanging out on the couch watching football.  Yes both of us ass backwards, all the way around your elbow to get to your ass.  Anyway I was talking to bff about the whole relationship that we don't have and she thought maybe I should just come out and say "WTF??"  In other words what are we doing why are we growing closer instead of apart like people do when they break up.  Any who I said I will and yes it would be me since he is a terrible communicator when it come to us.  I don't know when I will most of the time stuff like that just usually comes flying out of my mouth and  I didn't even see it coming.
Oh and I got bangs maybe this pic will up load......

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