Friday, October 7, 2011

Bucket list

For a while I have been going over my bucket list in my head and I think I'm ready to put it down on paper.  If I have any add on's I will just add on, when I really figure out how to make html on my page that will be better as I will be able to reference back it without scrolling to find this blog.  But anyway let start here(in no particular order):

1. Go to New York top notch hair salon and get a make over(like ANTM)
2. See the Eiffel Tower
3. Go back packing in a destination unknown so far. 
4. Drive my kids in Winnebago down the East Coast
5. Visit a Nudest retreat

These are just a few things that come to mind when I think of stuff I want to do.  Yes some are extreme and others are rather reachable.  I can't wait to build and accomplish things on my list.

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