Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the light at the end of the tunnel just seems so far

After we turned on our assignment, resume and cover letter I decided to send mine out to a few law firms.  When I did some poking around most people prefer a paralegal with some years of experience and those without obviously fall into the category of making less money.  Now I'm not even going to get into the crap about enjoying what you do isn't always about the money, OH PLEASE spare me that crock of bull, I need both.  I need to feed the school yard full of kids that I have and still be able to go buy myself a new Juicy Couture bag if I want(on sell of course) with the topping of enjoying my work as well.  So it seems that if I don't have any experience once I'm done school I will have to get a job and take a pay cut.  That sucks and yes I know all about the light at the end of the tunnel and having to sacrifice now to get it back later, yea yea yea whatever.  Like I said I submitted my resume to law firms that need a receptionist(I will answer phones there just to get my foot in the door), legal assistants and legal secretaries.  I'm a forward thinker and it just makes sense for me to be in that environment now while I am still in school and gain my experience simultaneously.  Monday I actually got a bite, an employer called me to come in for an interview Wednesday very nice and exciting to know my resume caught someones eye.

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