Saturday, July 23, 2011


Its Saturday and the sun has heated up the area to 100degrees, like whoa.  The father picked up the girls this morning they went to Neshaminy park. Its a nice place they have 3 pools activities for kids and a picnic area.  So Ase and I hung out in the air condition.  Ebony and I was suppose to take the kids to the please touch museum but she ended up with car problems.  I wasn't terribly upset I'm actually ok right here being a couch potato under the air condition.  Tonight is the Rhianna concert at the Wells Fargo Center(formerly Wachovia center) I fully intended to take my oldest when I heard about the concert back in Feb or March.  I didn't buy the tickets saying to myself I will get them later and of course later turned into me remembering until yesterday which means I didn't factor the money in to the budget.  Well there will be more concerts maybe I will keep my eye on Atlantic City and make it an over night trip for us.
What's everyone else doing on this hot Saturday?

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