Friday, November 19, 2010

Did somebody turn the light out at the end of the tunnel?

just some background info first......

My son was diagnosed with asthma in Aug, after being hospitalized for the 2nd time.  He then went back into the hospital in Sept and was there for 8 days! Then turned around again in Oct and was there for 4 days.  Poor thing even turned 1 years old in hospital.  Yes needless to say CHOP has become our second home.  Of course during this time I was there at his bedside the whole time, because where else would mommy be.  I am fortunate to have a job where I am able to get FMLA.  During this difficult time of emotional ups and downs, stressing because here is my baby not even 1 years old struggling to breathe his dad still manages to be a prick.  And he completely knows he is being a prick since he says to my mom "I don't know why I'm be uncooperative".  Interesting revelation but anyway......
After getting him out of the hospital and feeling better which is the most important the entire month of Oct pasted.  Which turns out I worked 60hours for the entire month....UGGGGG!!  The equates to no $$$.  Of course I had no benefit time the summer just ended and we just got back from Disney world. Needless to say I am still trying to recover financially.  I am in catch up mood which is getting really really old! REALLY!  I was able to push my car note back for the month, which was great.  But what I don't understand is when you want to mis a payment why do you have to pay a fee.  If I don't have the money for the payment then what makes you think I have money to pay a fee??  So at this point I was calling ever possible bill/debt that I have and making arrangements and paying things that absolutely had to be paid.  Now here it is we are going into Dec. I am still trying to get it together.  I have not had a 80hour paycheck in 2 months.  I'm grateful to have good friends that are always willing to help me out, and vise versa.  And although he have his moments even outside of child support "the father" is always someone I can call and get something extra from.  But with all this going on I'm actually doing ok.  No haven't had the extra $$ that I like and use to but we are ok.  And that's the part that's getting on my nerves, I'm ready for this to be over for things to be back to normal.  But then again normal........?

This is were I sleep for over a week.....

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