Wednesday, January 5, 2011

and another thing......

I knew this would happen, I blog about my situation and now it weights heavy on me again.  I am really taken back by my actions, my thoughts the whole way I am dealing with this.  In the past I dealt with break ups and guys much differently.  Once I'm done I was done, I didn't go through this pin ball game.  I would almost became disgusted with the person and couldn't even imagine being with them anymore. 
Here I am annoyed and sometimes angry with myself for being in this emotional situation.  Why is this so different?  Why haven't I completely put an end to this?  Where is the quick fix?  Am I being weak?  Where do I start?  Does somebody else need to come into my life before I'm able to really put an end to it?  Or would that just makes things worse?  I have heard the saying "you can't move forward until you know your never going backward"(i think that's how it went) does that ring some truth to it?  What's a girl to do?

Today I have been in contact with the mortgage specialist so that also sent my emotions all over the place.  I swear you have to disclose everything about yourself since you where born.  Well maybe not that far back but sheesh.  I talked it out with some people who have been through the process and they assured me just give them what they need and keep my eye on the light at the end of the tunnel, my house.  The guy was telling me that if I want to stick with my March 1st deadline then we need to get moving.  Which means March 1st is a possibility, I'm telling him it has to happen considering I told my current landlord that I will be out by then, yikes!

I will put a bottle of wine on stand by.......

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