Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm back

Wow I have really sucked at blogging lately but all for good reason.  I have been so busy getting for my trip that I haven't really sat down.  I am leaving on Sunday headed for Miami, sun and beach!  I'm in such need of this I can't begin to tell you.  I have done some moderate shopping, I didn't go over board or spend too much money.  Just as an extra precaution I took some money out of my 401 wait I think its a 403, since I work for a non profit but anyway that really helped.  This way I don't have to worry about coming home and the lights be turned off(LOL..joking).  I'm pretty excited, I'm trying not to get there and go completely off the deep end considering what happens in Miami will stay in Miami.  Since I have been working out I will say I am much happier with the way I look.  The work outs have definitely given me a butt lift, which I am totally loving and a flatter tummy! Hopefully I won't have to fight off too many man ;) although I don't know if I would be doing much fighting, see there I go again(bad Deeva, bad bad bad girl).
In other news I had a wonderful 2 days of suspension from my job on Monday and Tuesday, although it rained I really got alot done and totally enjoyed myself.  I refused to any major house cleaning, having 3 kids there is always something to pick up, sweep up, wash or wipe down and I was not going to be doing that!  My suspension was based on some BS policy that they are enforcing, without going into too much detail but basically I have been late to work, one or two minutes to often and this is my punishment.  Whatever!  During that time I was able to get my hair done, a pedicure, I woke up when I felt like it because the father had the kids, I went to the gym and to the diner for breakfast.  Boy oh boy did they show me!
Also yesterday when I was picking kids up from daycare, this little boy of mine decides to take off running when we got out the door.  So of course here I go chasing him in my heels(of course) before I can catch him he falls and slides on his face and now has strawberries running down the right side of his face.  He already a light bright color so you know it looks ridiculous!
I have included pic of my Miami hair style......hopefully its not to dark.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Last night I got this itching feeling to not go to work today.  I struggled with it considering at the end of the month I will be on a week long vacation but honestly it just didn't work out that way.  So when I woke up this morning I said screw it, I'm calling out.  I am in the spot where I totally loathe my job right now.  So now that I have the day off I plan to accomplish alot of things.  Starting with an oil change for my car, hitting the gym, bring my grill around front, stopping at the bank, picking up a  trash can, possibly buy a few cans of paint, get a pedicure and some small purchases for my trip.  whew....I have alot going on so I guess I better hop to it!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I have not had anything to blog about, which is nice to some degree.  Whihc means is there is minimum to no drama going on.  Not that I just blog about is problems and drama(I think) but everything have been pretty quiet.  Let's see updates:
  • I now have a couch and love seat and I am very very happy!  Which means I'm pretty much set as far as major purchases.  Now all that is left is the small incidentials to add that truedeeva touch.  I think I will paint also.
  • Today I am exactly 2 weeks away from being in South beach Miami, ahhhhh I can feel it.  All I need is a few items, another swimsuit, sandals and a white cocktail/club dress.
  • This little boy of mine have become more dependent on the binky(pacifier) and it's kinda getting on my nerves.  I usually don't care about small things like that because Ayanna held on to her's til she was 3, yea I know that's kinda long but she only had it in the house and with me.  Of course she didn't have it when she was with the father but at one point he was off because we just couldn't find it.  That lasted about 2 weeks, then all of a sudden he found it and now is clingy to it for dear life.
  • I still am in full throttle with losing some weight, I have missed a few days at the gym but I got right back on.  I also am doing the Special K challenge, replace 2 meals with a bowl of cereal for two weeks and lose some inches from your waist line.  I have been doing that for the past week and I actually like it.  The fiber and bran in the cereal keeps me satisfied and not hungry.  I usually have a bowl for breakfast I eat a regular lunch and a bowl for dinner.  Needless to say it also has me very regular.
  • Of course since I got my furniture I am already to planning my get togethers.  First up is my daughters graduation BBQ cook out which I also is turning into my start of summer cookout in June.  I'm planning to do it big, lots of my friends/family, food and drinks.
So like I said nothing major to blog about or going on.