Monday, December 19, 2011

yea so like I was saying

Soo many things have went on....
  • The beginning of Dec I went to my Co. holiday party, it was nice simple nothing major bestie came with me and we always have a good time.  One irritant (probably don't need to be mention but whatever) a co-worker of mine whom I'm really good friends with told me and bestie to come over to the bar so he can buy us a drink.  Next thing I know two other chicks jump up(yes i know them) and walk over there with us.  They stand around at the bar as if there are about to buy a drink and literally wait for my friend to pay for there drinks.  I was so annoyed b/c I don't do crap like that and its was  a pretty desperate move for a $4.00 drink.  I later apologized to my friend and he is such a nice guy he said it was ok but he did noticed and thought it was tacky as well.
  • My Legal Research &Writing classes ended two weeks ago and I got an A.  I'm very proud more so because I went into this not knowing much about the law, legal writing and research and I manage to not only do very well but I really grasp it and honestly its kinda difficult because your learning a different language just about.  Anyway spring semester I decided to take 3 classes which makes me nervous and excited at the same time.  I will be in class Mon, Tues and Thur nights, its alot for a working mom but I'm going to do it.  Last Mon I left my Intro class, we reviewed for the final which is tonight and I haven't seen my bookbag since.  Yes you heard me right, I lost my bookbag!  I mean seriously who does this, I'm just a little to old for this kind of shenanigans.  I honestly believe someone took it out of my car, I leave it in there alot because I take it to work with me during the week.  I think I may have forgot to lock my car and someone saw the bag thinking it was something of value and took it.  Which means I lost my flash drive with my work thank goodness I have a back up on my computer at work, my $90 book I purchased which I will have to buy again only because it has alot of useful info.  UGGGG the good thing is its the end of the semester and the girl in my class was able to email the notes for the final I'm annoyed.
  • I met this guy awhile back and we have been talking pretty often, we hung out a few times and honestly he makes me nervous.  School girl nervous, I'm extremely attracted to him not just physically but he just has swagga.  It got to the point were I was avoiding hanging out with him.  Now of course these type of guys are not boyfriend material and not that he couldn't be boyfriend material at a different time in my life but he just has alot going on.  He lives in Jersey which isn't an issue he works as a barber which means long days and nights.  He has plenty of kids(when I say plenty I mean more than 5) which translates into more than one baby mom and thats just a little more than I am willing to over look, now don't get my wrong I have a school yard full myself and I don't have an issue with someone having children.  But with that kind of situation it's just a bit crowded in his life.  So I have moved him into the fun boy toy box and he can stay there for now.
  • The father continues on his endeavor of silliness and annoying antics.  He finally decided to just get the kids every other weekend which I don't understand what was the problem.  Now when he has them he still has to find a reason call me and not want anything.  I told him don't start calling me Sunday morning talking about where am I going to be.  6pm drop off or meet up is good, of course anything I suggest doesn't work for him so he got an attitude about 6pm and just kept them.  HUH?? You might say, why would he keep them another night if he had something to do?  Lies all lies....any way he will drop them at the daycare and I will get them from there.  I told him I would much rather do it like that anyway to avoid his anger and whatever issue he has with me that I don't know about.
  • Also I have already decided on my 4th annual mommy vaca for 2012 ooooo baby essence music festival in New Orleans, LA.  This is a music festival weekend held the first weekend in July every year on the french quarter.  I went several years ago with mzjacksonswords and we had an awesome time.  This year I am doing a better job at planning things out, bestie and I are resevering our room now and will have it paid prior to arrival.  The year we went hurricane Katrina hit so I'm eager to see how things have changed.
so thats it for now I promise will update more now that the semester is over.....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"me and my girlfriend" - tupac

Between class, homework, work, sleep and kids I have not had the energy to blog.  I hate that because my blogging is part of my exercise for my mind and mental health.  Maybe that sounds corny but its true writing gives me the outlet and the oppurtunity to get out of my own head.
Thursday I went over bestie house for dinner, she cooked and as usual our families always have a great time.  We both are cut from the same cloth, we share so much in the way we think and yet we are so different.  We also share the same religion(she was introduced as a young child to the faith and I was introduced as a pre-teen by my grandmom) besides that we are both the only child and our mothers are a mirror of eachother, which means our childhoods also are similar in the way we grew up.  So for me we are family, I"m that person who believes just because you don't share a blood line with someone that dont mean they are not your family.  And honestly just because I do share a blood line with some people I honestly do feel that that makes them my loved one either.  I'm not about to into that discussion, anyway we had a great time as usual, her husband bought some "Hennesy Black" which I had to have some of.  Yes I am a serious drinker and I usually drink hennesy w/ O.J when we go out(when I'm not to broke).  We drank the henny black I mixed mine with cranberry and bestie drank it straight with some water on the side as a chaser, yuck!  After eating and drinking I needed a nap on the couch before I could bring myself to gather my posses and go home. "good times, good times"
Friday I did some much needed cleaning and the usual washing of clothes, I swear washing clothes for three children is pretty ridiculous all the detergent and bleach we go threw.  I had plans to hang out with this guy I have been talking to for quite sometime but after several strange conversations I decided I didn't think it would have been a good idea.  After a while he just seemed strange which turned me off, I don't even feel like getting into maybe later.
Saturday I went to a co worker 40th birthday party which turned out very nice.  It was at a hall so she provided the food and drinks, yea I like those parties too!  Of course I had a great time dancing and drinking all night bestie came with me of course.  I usually have to bring her because I hate being somewhere and people acting stupid or like they don't know how to have a good time.  I know when were together we gonna have a good time.  Which brings me to this Friday, the company holiday party and yes bestie is coming with me.  I was going to bring Tate but thats his weekend with his daughter.  I was kinda glad since I really don't want people at this job all in my business AGAIN.   Speaking of Tate we just started talking again, I had to dismiss almost right after we started talking.  What happened was he can be a bit of a how do I say it.... controlling/jealous, crap like if I'm with him and I look at my phone he's all like "tell your boyfriend your here with me" or when I'm leaving "where are you going and why are you leaving"  I had to tell him in the not so polite way(b/c I tried to do polite the 1st time) I have kids in this world and I'm checking my phone because she may have to texted/called me and I can't lay up with you all day I have a home to attend too.  So he got annoyed with me and I ended up telling him "your irritating me and I'm done playing this game".  So we didn't talk for about a two weeks and then he texted me asking was I still angry with him and I let him know of course not, where friends again.  (gag, gag)
Also my classes have been going great besides the fact that I really don' t like this one teacher but half the class don't like her either.  I got my final last night, which is a take home and due next Wed and then we are done with that class, I really like this prof.  I registered for three classes for the spring semester, I'm nervous can I really take on three classes?  That mean I will have class Mon Tues and Thur.  I want to do it but I don't want to be streched and not make A's.  I'm still undecided.  Anywho more updates later.